Amplify the Impact
of Medical Education

We'd like to create a future in which every healthcare professional in any part of the world has access to a world-class medical education, independent of age, race, nationality, economic situation and any other perceived difference.

Evermed’s Core Beliefs

Education is the most powerful force for changing the world and the single biggest equalizer (think gender, race, nationality, economic situation) creating opportunities for everyone to fulfill their potential

Technology and innovation create unprecedented opportunity to amplify the impact of education

Business is not only about profit but about creating win-win-win outcomes - in our case, for society partners, healthcare professionals, and industry sponsors

If our Mission and Core Beliefs resonate with you, we’d be delighted to speak and discuss opportunities to create value.

Our сore values are based on the following:

Respect Others

Be Resourceful

Take Ownership

Always be Learning

Zero Ego Collaboration

Radical Transparency

Kaizen (Continuous Improvement)

Lead with Results

Data Speaks

Speed of Execution

Data Speaks

We earned their trust