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  • 3 Reasons Why Your HCPs Expect Netflix-Like User Experience From You

3 Reasons Why Your HCPs Expect Netflix-Like User Experience From You

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COVID has resulted in a permanent shift in how HCPs want to interact with pharmaceutical companies.

Nowadays HCPs self-educate through content: they watch it, listen to it, read it, and only then decide whether or not to interact with the pharma field force.

In addition to having access to educational content, HCPs expect pharma to deliver that content in a personalized, Netflix-like way. 

In this article, we will share three reasons why Netflix-like content delivery is critical both for you and your HCPs.

These three reasons are based on Evermed's proprietary data coming from two years of delivering content to HCPs in more than 120 countries.

Let's dive in.

Reason #1: HCPs Expect Personalization

There was a time on the internet when user experience didn't matter until it did.

Netflix, Amazon, Spotify have all trained us to appreciate good user experience.

Their algorithms save us precious time by providing us with recommendations for the next-best-content to consume. And it works!

In a post-COVID world, bad user experience with a lack of personalization is officially an HCP engagement killer. 

Pharma companies have a room to improve.

Recent Veeva research shows that less than 20% of doctors find pharma messages personalized to their needs.

In addition, recent EPG report shows that personalization features from pharma are mostly lacking (next-best-video, bookmarking, notifications of next-best-content).

HCP/Pharma personalization gap

As if all these statistics point out to one thing - the personalization of content is critical in delivering value to HCPs, enabling dissemination of the right information, in the right place, at the right time. 

HCPs expect personalization and they expect it now.

If you want to learn how to have your own Netflix-like content hub for HCPs, click here.

Reason #2: Netflix-like User Experience Can Unlock Repeated Monthly HCP Engagement

When it comes to pharma content and websites, most HCPs visit once => stay for 45 to 60 seconds => leave=> and never come back again.

Compare that to a scenario where an HCP visits once => stays for 6 minutes/360 seconds => comes back 22 times over the course of 90 days => spends a total of 75 minutes…on average.

Repeated visits and 300% - 600% higher engagement.

That’s the power of Netflix-like user experience, amplified with personalized email content recommender engine (similar to the emails we get from Netflix "Hey John, we have this new show to recommend you...").

Netflix-like user experience unlocks the Holy Grail of HCP engagement - repeated engagement that keeps growing month-over-month, up and to the right, with HCPs coming back to your content hub over and over again. 

The below chart shows two years' worth of Evermed’s own data from using Netflix-like user experience combined with 10,000+ HCPs from more than 120 countries.

repeated HCP engagement

Reason #3: Collect 1st-Party Data That Amplifies Your Field Force

What do we mean by 1st party data? 

First-party data is captured through interactions with HCPs on a company’s own digital channels (website, portal, content hub).

The more an HCP engages, the more first-party data marketers can collect, integrate into CRM and CDP systems, and gather valuable insights that sales reps can use for their interaction with HCPs.

In addition, capturing first-party data will be key for companies faced with growing data privacy and compliance restrictions. 

For these reasons, forward-looking companies have already mastered collecting first-party data.

The easiest way to collect 1st party data daily is to a) have content for HCPs and b) deliver it through your own (Netflix-like) content hub.

If you want to learn how to have your own Netflix-like content hub for HCPs, click here.

This also means you can understand HCP’s prescribing intent and deliver that valuable information to your sales reps.

Armed with such powerful data, a sales rep can drive meaningful interaction with HCPs, as HCP's education on pharma's product has started before the sales rep has even stepped into the office.


HCPs’ preferences have permanently shifted towards on-demand, short-form video content.

This change provides an opportunity for forward-looking, content-ready companies. 

One of the biggest opportunities is related to user experience - more specifically delivering your HCP content through your own, personalized, Netflix-like content hub, that drives repeated HCP engagement, collects 1st party data on HCP behavior and content consumption, which you can then feed to your sales reps.

Click Below If You Are a “Content-Ready” Pharma Executive and Want to Have Your Own Netflix-like Channel in 30-90 Days

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