For Professional Associations

Turn Your Conference Recordings Into New Revenue in 90 Days

  • Launch a Netflix-style digital subscription
  • Start generating revenue in 90 days
  • With no increase in staff or IT headaches

FREE CASE STUDY: How ACC and Evermed launched the "Netflix of Cardiology" in 90 Days => click here

FREE CASE STUDY: How ACC and Evermed launched the "Netflix of Cardiology" in 90 Days => click here

Conference Recordings Are Largely Underutilized

  • #1 Struggle to Get Content Watched: Learners don’t watch the conference recordings beyond the first few weeks
  • #2 Struggle to Monetize Content: Most societies don’t have a clear revenue model for digital content.
  • #3 Struggle to Attract Industry Sponsorships: Most industry sponsorship revenue is generated during the 3-4 days of an annual meeting

Quotes From Association Executives:

“It’s not enough just to put the content on the LMS, our learners give up on watching after a few weeks.”

“Our clinicians feel nickeled and dimed and we feel like we are giving away too much of conference content for free. We don’t have a revenue model for it.”

“We can’t get our clinicians to watch our content throughout the year, so it's impossible to attract significant industry sponsorship beyond our annual meeting.”

Conference Recordings Get Old Can Drive Engagement for 6+ Months After the Conference

***Data from ACC Anywhere (ACC's Netflix-style personalized video library for cardiologists

New Opportunity: Launch Your Own Personalized Netflix-Style Digital Subscription 

Centralize Conference Content

Transform disparate educational materials into a cohesive, CME-accredited video resource. Experience the simplicity of a unified library.

Netflix-Style User Interface

Navigate effortlessly. Our platform offers a sophisticated, responsive search experience that's optimized for all devices.

New Revenue Source #1: Individual Subscription

US-Based Societies: Unlock sustainable growth through creating a new, stable, recurring revenue stream.

New Revenue Source #2: Unlimited Industry Sponsorship Space

US and EU Societies: Unlock industry revenue beyond the 3-4 days of an annual meeting.

Drive Membership Growth

Enhance your membership benefits by offering an additional, free membership benefit (EU societies) or at a discount (US societies).

Personalized Content Recommendations

Algorithm-powered content recommendations, tailored to user’s content preferences, saving  time for your learners.

Year-Round Engagement

Through active content curation using a weekly AI-powered content recommendation email.

Effortless Content Distribution

Streamline your operations. Our system simplifies the delivery process, enabling your team to distribute content with ease.

Evermed's Plug-n-Play Software Turns Your Conference Recordings into a Netflix-Style Digital Subscription 

Without New Hires. Without IT Headaches. With Little or No Effort.

#1 Technology 365
(Netflix‑Style, On‑Demand Library)

Modern, intuitive, personalized user experience, unifying all your content in ONE place, seamlessly blending with your existing website. Easy to use admin panel for managing content, users tags and analytics.

#2 Engagement Engine 365
(Done For You Service)

Your conference recordings will repeatedly engage learners instead of being ignored. We combine our proprietary playbook with an AI-powered content recommender system to make it easy for your learners to watch the relevant content through the year.

#3 Revenue Engine 365
(Done With You Service)

We provide your team with the optimal sales strategy, plug-n-play 7-day free trial funnel, all conversion assets (creatives, copy, sales and checkout page), templates and checklists, and help refine it throughout the year.

#4 Content Operations 365
(Done For You Service)

The nitty gritty yet critical: We help you manage and edit content, metadata and tags, create attractive, click-worthy thumbnails , handle user support, while providing real-time analytics. No operational overhead involved.

Proven Success: American College of Cardiology Achieves Remarkable Results in 6 Months

Customers served! 0 Days  from Contract to Launch
Customers served! 0 Minutes  Averaged Watch Time per Cardiologist
Customers served! 0 % Email Open Rates
(500,000+ emails sent)
Customers served! 0 : 1 ROI  Return on Investment

Don't Take Our Word: Hear Directly from ACC Leadership

On The Future of Digital Learning

"The future of clinical education is personalized, on-demand micro-learning. ACC Anywhere is our modern response."

Cathy Gates
Chief Executive Officer

American College of Cardiology

On Strategic Partnership Beyond Technology

"Evermed has been a really good strategic partner. It's not like you've just given us this technology and then expected us to just use it as is."

Kristen Doermann
Director, Digital Products

American College of Cardiology

On Advancing Medical Education Together

"We are not the technology experts. We're a medical specialty society...To me, that's the beauty is we're pushing forward and the strongest possible components of Evermed and ACC to deliver something that's going to actually change the way people are experiencing education."

Neal Kovach
Global Chief Commercial Officer

American College of Cardiology

On Bringing New Ideas Forward

"I feel like there was an ease with working with Evermed in terms of anything's possible. We weren't getting roadblocks or barriers to the ideas that we were bringing forward...I think it's just been a really great partnership."

Camille Haynes
Product Manager, Education

American College of Cardiology


On Evermed's Understanding of ACC Learners

"Most of the time when you meet with somebody, they don't really understand the end user, and you had a very strong understanding of the end user. I don't know if you remember, but I immediately perked up, and you were able to have the conversation with me that I had been dying to have with many, many other vendors. I just haven't met someone that got it."

Joyce Donnellan
Division Vice President, Education

American College of Cardiology

On Enriching Physician Learning Experience

"I really think that this is a type of system that, as our physicians start to use it, yes, they're going to go there for purpose, which is gonna make their life better, but they're also gonna be exposed to ideas, content, new information, new science. That brings a little bit of that serendipity of learning back into their lives."

Brendan Mullen
Senior Executive Vice President

American College of Cardiology

On Combatting FOMO in Professional Learning

"ACC Anywhere is going to be one of the best therapies to treat my FOMO, or my fear of missing out. When we were at these large meetings and I run into a friend in the hallway and they say, "Oh, did you go to such and such? And did you see such and such talk?" And I'll be like, "Oh! I missed it." And then all of a sudden you can just be like, "Oh! I got it."

Katie Berlacher MD, FACC
ACC Lifelong Learning Oversight Committee Chair

American College of Cardiology

On The Importance of Recommendation Engine and Intuitive User Interface

"When we saw the Evermed platform, the recommendation engine already existed. The user interface was kind of beyond where we were, so we felt like it was really a strategic move to abandon what we had started building and move over to something that already had a lot of features that we had visioned."

Kristen Doermann
Director, Digital Products

American College of Cardiology

On Expectation of Timely Tailored Information

"I think COVID sort of accelerated the trend - HCPs increasingly need information in-between, and they need more tailored, more focused information when they need it, where they need it."

Janice Sibley
Executive Vice President, Education and Publishing

American College of Cardiology

On Using AI to Understand Learning Gaps

"Collaborative intelligence is this ability for computing analytics to say, "Hey, doctor Bhatt, I see you're interested in this. I can show you more of that, and I can notice you have a gap in something you haven't seen before. Let me give you a little bit of that information as well."

Ami Bhatt
Chief Innovation Officer

American College of Cardiology

Don't Just Take Our Word: Hear Directly from ACEP Leadership

On LMS experience vs. Netflix-style experience

“Previous platform experience is, in so many terms, clunky. They have to go and find specific lectures that they may have missed, and there really isn’t a great way to search for it, so they have to click through multiple pages…and by that time no one wants to watch anything.”

Cindy Mendez Hernandez

Senior Manager

American College of Emergency Physicians

On Learning Through Microlearning Bursts

“So the way that people want to learn once they are in their career is through bursts. They want the information to be chunked. They want it to be something they are curious about, and they look it up. They don’t have a huge amount of time to sit and read through.”

Suzannah Alexander

Director, Educational Publishing

American College of Emergency Physicians

On The Importance of an AI-Recommender Engine

“It's it's more like a Netflix-like or a Spotify or Apple Music type experience or Amazon-like experience where you start buying or experiencing and listening to music or watching a certain type of movies, and the system is then proactively telling you what to watch next.”

Altul Srivastava

Chief Technology Officer

American College of Emergency Physicians


On Partnering with Evermed

“This is a new type of partnership, it does not feel like a vendor-customer relationship but more so working hand in hand. It wasn’t a feeling of being sold a platform, you knew what we needed not just technically but medically.”

Cindy Mendez Hernandez
Senior Manager

American College of Emergency Physicians

On Having Content in ONE Place and Why Content That Never Gets Watched

“We have ACEP content in so many places….but we haven’t been able to deliver it on the platform that can recommend it to our members. This is extremely important for us, to get a product out there, on a product that works, with all the valuable content that we’ve been creating for years.”

Suzannah Alexander
Director, Educational Publishing

American College of Emergency Physicians

On Why Personalized Learning Experience Matters

“ACEP Anytime is a modern learning platform that really adapts to learners' needs. Our physicians have a very busy clinical schedule, so the vast amount of information that is stored within the platform is tailored in bite-sized chunks so that learners can actually learn on their schedules and fit and accommodate their needs.”

Altul Srivastava
Chief Technology Officer

American College of Emergency Physicians

On the Benefits of ACEP Anytime (ACEP’s Netflix-Style Content Library)

”We got to deliver education in a more engaging way. ACEP Anytime is intuitive; content is delivered through shorter snippets, so you are not listening to the lectures for hours.”

Bobby Heard
Chief Operating Officer

American College of Emergency Physicians

On LMS / CMS vs Searchability and Personalization

“We’ve been searching for something that works for our members for a very, very long time. We tried a lot of traditional systems like LMS and CMS but never found a platform that has searchability or personalization. It’s extremely important for our doctors to find what they want when they want it.”

Suzannah Alexander
Director, Educational Publishing

American College of Emergency Physicians

We Handle the Hard Work: From Content Optimization to Seamless Tech Setup, We Make It Effortless for You

Go-Live in 30-90 Days

Software licensing model enables to launch your own, branded Netflix-style library in record time without dealing with IT issues

Return on Investment Within 12 Months 

Leverage our proprietary revenue playbook to create lifelong subscribers and unlock 365 industry sponsorship 

Minimal Effort Required

Our plug and play, zero coding solution allows you to avoid  frustrations that come with building a platform or hiring new staff

Netflix-Style Recommendations

AI-powered recommender engine delivers content at the right time and tailored to your learners' needs 

User-Centric Experience

Intuitive navigation, modern design, powerful search capability, fast performance and optimized for mobile

Real-Time Dashboard and Analytics

Get real-time access to learners' viewing behavior, weekly and monthly aggregated reports, and inform your future content

Seamless Integrations

Your new library will be integrated with your existing core systems like SSO, AMS, data and CME tracking systems

Easy Onboarding and Content Migration  

We will audit your content and metadata, optimize it for dynamic learning and searchability, and transfer to your new video library

Easy to Use Admin Panel

Admin panel is designed for non-tech professionals making it easy to manage content, users, and see analytics in real-time

Technical Support Included

Included in all plans, for both end-users and administrators, with 24 hours response time

50+ Configurable Features

Benefit from a large number of enterprise-grade features, with configurability that matches the needs of your audience

Always Up-to-Date, Secure and Compliant 

Enterprise-level security that’s constantly updated, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of business critical data

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Check out the answers below.

We tried in the past to engage learners with on-demand conference content but it didn't work!

Most societies had the same experience. The reason is that they don't actively curate content for learners after they sell on-demand conference access to them. That leads to learners accessing the content once or twice, getting overwhelmed, and never coming back. 

With Evermed's Netflix-like personalized content recommender campaigns through email and notifications, users come back on average 20 times in the first 90 days. 

I have an LMS. Why would I need your solution?

Great question. An LMS is designed for a linear learning experience (module 1 => module 2...and a certification at the end). Societies we work with keep the LMS for board review courses, and use our Netflix-like technology for all of their on-demand content (on-demand conferences, webinars, podcasts...).

Will this be another software program for me to manage?

We can probably replace a few things you are using right now and it is simpler and more streamlined for you. This page explains the 4-part complete solution we provide to societies so they can engage learners and generate new revenues.

Can you help me with content editing, repurposing, and thumbnails? I don't have enough staff or resources.

Yes. That can take hundreds of hours but it has a massive impact on how much learners click on the content, how long they watch it and how much they pay to access it. 

You don't need to hire anyone else when working with us.

All of my on-demand content is free!

Our platform can host both free and paid content and drive engagement month by month. We see most success when clients create tiers of content, where some content is free and is used to attract new learners, and some content is paid.

Do you have interactive features?

We do. Interaction can turn content into an engaged community! One such feature is asynchronous Q&A - where an learner can ask a question, tag the person, and get an answer over the next few days. That allows a convenient way to have a scientific exchange with colleagues across the globe.

How can you sell on-demand content all year long? Doesn't the content get old fast?

We tested this. Even after 6 months content gets huge attention, if curated in the right way. Happy to share a case study.

Do you provide us with the designs and layouts of the content hub?

We do. We have been testing the layouts for the last four years and we continue to test them. You don't need to spend 6 months of user interface design or user testing. We've got you covered.

Can the content be shared?

Yes, through email and Twitter. We have both features.

Can you help bring pharma sponsors as well?

Great question. We can, as we have a sales team that sells to pharma. But first, we need to help you engage your learners with your content - that will unlock many more opportunities for industry sponsors throughout the year.

I can build this on my own!

Sure, feel free to go ahead. It's tough though. 🙂

Discover How the ACC Started Generating New Revenue from Their Own “Netflix for Cardiologists” in 90 Days